Thursday, May 27, 2010

more poems


one girl.
two buckets.
lots of dirt.
less dirt.

still dirt.

KOFI: (a haiku)

lashes are so long.
they catch your excessive tears.
does Ma glue them on?


bugs, bugs everywhere;
in my chair,
in my hair,
even when I say my prayers.
do I dare
to even care?


  1. Megan and Chelsea

    I hope that your trip is off to a great start. I enjoyed reading your poetry in your most recent post. I wanted you both to know that I am thinking about the two of you as you serve and extend the love of Jesus to the beautiful children at the Christian Refuge. As I go for a run this morning I will be praying for you, the children and the good works that God has planned for you while you are there.


  2. While I enjoy all of your poems, Bucket Bath is certainly my favorite! Have you two mastered the art of washing your hair yet? I'm not sure it's possible, but I like to think that I got pretty dang close. ;)

  3. hi chelsea, i just sent you a very long email. let me know if you did/did not receive it. i enjoyed your new poems also. at least the bugs make a pretty design. i'm so proud of you for what you're doing for God's kingdom. there's no greater service you could do and you will be richly blessed. that includes megan as well as the others there with you.hope you're having sweet dreams baby doll!

  4. Love the poems. And I love you.

  5. Thanks everyone for your well-wishing! Josh--I think we've gotten the hang of bucket bathing. I'd like to think that my hair gets about as clean as when I'm at home, haha. Mommy--I'm not sure why, but your email still didn't get to me. Try sending a new email instead of replying or you could send it on Facebook. I hope it works. You should just copy and paste the last one, though, instead of retyping. I love you, tooo! And thanks to Megan's parents! I hope I get to meet you sometime. :)

  6. Cheryl, Arab, AL, USAJune 1, 2010 at 4:47 AM

    Hello Chelsea!
    I hope you have a very positive experience there.

  7. yall are very clever. i love you and miss you big sis

  8. Love the poems and pics!! :) I think they are my fav.


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