Monday, June 14, 2010

Day Thirty-Five

Day 35:

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
... he rescued me because he delighted in me.
Psalm 18:2,19

Getting to know these children individually is an overwhelming thing. Each day brings further realization of their detail and unique beauty. Watching thoughts race across their face, seeing them play in quiet by themselves, laying next to them as they sleep--these are all treasures Chelsea and I hold every day. It is amazing to not only know who they are now, but also to know their story. Once orphaned and abandoned, these little lives are all testimonies of our Father's great love and protection! He has rescued these children because he delights in them!

Each day is a day of thankfulness for the mercy these children have been shown. The smiles and laughs and songs and dances our days here are filled with are all reminders of the goodness of our God. Take heart my friends, our God is good! He is faithful and full of love. He sees and He cares.



  1. What a beautiful message to remind us of God's love. It brings me true joy to see how, not only God is using you to touch the lives of the children there, but how He is using the children to touch your lives as well. You are such blessings. I love (Kelly)

  2. Those children are so blessed! I can only imagine the impact you two girls have had and will continue to have on those precious little ones.

    News from Oklahoma - Daniel was really rooting for Ghana since you are there, Chelsea! We all wonder if the entire country shut down in celebration with their first World Cup game win.

    Also, I don't know if I ever told you, but Mr. Rink had a really close friend named Seth from Ghana when we were at ORU. He was very sweet, even gave us a wedding present (of course, that will be 30 years ago in August:). He is a pastor now. I wish I could remember his last name.....wouldn't it be something if you girls have met him. Daniel laughed about you attending the wrong church. The mission field can be quite challenging!

    Daniel hopes to go to Peru the summer of 2011 or 2012 for a medical mission. I'd like to tag along, be their translator, lol! I miss the mission field.

    Thank you girls for giving your all to Jesus this summer - you will never be sorry, and you will never forget this trip (even eons later, lol!). Praying for you both!!!

  3. Day 35! Day 35! I cannot believe it has already been 35 days. I love the scripture that you chose: "He rescued me because he delights in me". What a wonderful message of hope that we can discover. Thanks for sharing your adventure. What a great experience of God's love for us and for those beautiful children!

  4. Good job guys. I bet all of these orphans are going to go far and become really successful and when asked about their success, they will say: "Megan and Chelsea taught us everything we know."

    Chelsea, I'm sorry you can't compete in the US Open this weekend, but I'm sure you're looking forward to it nonetheless. Who do you think will win?

    I just want to tell you both good luck and we're all counting on you.

    - Brennan


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